As We Continue to Ride the Roller Coaster Also Known as ‘’the New Normal’’

It has been exactly a year since the first lockdown happened, and we were forced to change our environment, office space and processes almost overnight! It felt like someone put us on a rollercoaster and let us on a very long ride that didn’t know would last so long. Now, 365 days after, the ride is still going! The world has changed, but most importantly, something has changed within ourselves. We discover how priorities have switched, how our wellbeing became more important than ever and how multitasking is crucial for our everyday lives. 

For you, in HR, we have to adapt, adjust, and support in the same manner as any other part of a business. And we will continue to do so! How?

By being agile – more than ever

From the HR perspective, it became very challenging to make plans considering that there is uncertainty about what will happen next six months or tomorrow. However, suppose we are carefully listening to our colleagues, team members, their needs and everyday mood, on one side and our business needs on the other side. In that case, we can react accordingly in order to provide the best possible environment for accomplishing goals and expectations. If there is a lockdown, isolation, uncertainty, home office challenges or something else, we are here to help find a solution and put people first.

Remote yes, alone not

The home office became our everyday reality just overnight. The daily meetings, onboarding process, team planning, and everything held in person had to go completely online. Technology played an important part, but an even more important role played the team members and their dedication, motivation and willingness to step up and ensure the environment stays collaborative and productive. We are all home, sitting in front of our computer, but each coworker’s responsibility is to communicate actively, share information, and stay in touch with each other, now more than ever. And the HR department is there to foster and support that company culture in which remote work will not become a burden but just one more way of working.

People focus and people support

Yes, our business domain is strictly bound to online, software and technology, but behind all of that, there is a human, the people who are making sure that business is running smoothly. If those people are ok, healthy, satisfied, ready to conquer challenges, have the skills and knowledge to be successful in their role, the business will be successful too. That is why we are in constant communication with our employees, listening to their needs and signs, giving us the directions on how we can perform even better – to unlock their full potential, take care of employee well-being, appreciate them, or support in any way possible.

The ride is still going, the roller coaster is not stopping …for now, but if we have learned something that is that the most important thing are the people you are taking this ride with.

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